After All Is Said And Done: A Novel of Infidelity, Healing, & Forgiveness
I've gotten somewhat into reading books about infidelity and this one was so different from others I've read. From forgiving the adulterous party, to ending the marriage, I never thought I'd read this story where the spouse uses a gun. With the heightened emotions and the fall into alcoholism, you get the real sense of all that is lost in the end of a marriage in which both parties are to blame. Even though there is a hint of forgiveness, it can't be followed through after everything that was said and done. A string of sorries by the guilty party after committing adultery again, leaves a consequence that involves both families and causes subsequent breakups. A very truthful look at what infidelity does and it's not sugar-coated. Great read. I couldn't put it down.
~ Kindle Customer
~ Kindle Customer
Life and love are not always fair. The characters in this book made choices without considering the way others would be affected. The affair between Gavin and Jessica started a snowball of negative reactions that drove the content of the story. I greatly enjoyed the book and felt it dealt realistically with some tough issues.
~ Evelyn Jeffers
~ Evelyn Jeffers
What a fantastic read. This book had me in right from the start. Well written, mature characters, interesting storyline and a decent size book (650 pages) for a change. I have read many books about cheating spouses and I can honestly say that this one strands out above the rest. A well deserved 5 stars. I will certainly be reading more from this author.
~ Polly Cross
~ Polly Cross
Beautifully written, it touched me. Its one of those rare books that stays with you for months.
~ Tera Edison
~ Tera Edison
The writing style, plot, and characterization in this book are absolutely exquisite...I truly feel that this book was very realistic. Sometimes an author will write a book and water down the topics so that there is a "happy ending." Belinda Buchanan does not do do this. She handles the issues of infidelity and alcoholism in a way that is real, human, and tragic. And she shows you exactly what bitterness and unforgiveness can do to a person.
~ Ruth Hill
~ Ruth Hill
I enjoyed this book for its various elements. I have been in the posituon of being cheated on and lied to about it so can relate entirely with it. How it was dealt with was brilliant. Not just by the author but by the characters in the book.
~ Claire Carey
~ Claire Carey